Gangline™ temporary pipe restraint system Installation Gangline™ temporary pipe restraint system Installation Specialist Larry Luskey (R) trains CTC Contracting's Cody Cooper (L) at Trinity Sling Headquarters on Gangline™ installation for well testing in British Columbia, Canada.

Gangline™ temporary pipe restraint system Installation Specialist Larry Luskey (R) trains CTC Contracting’s Cody Cooper (L) at Trinity Sling Headquarters on Gangline™ installation for well testing in British Columbia, Canada.

On Aug 29, 2016 Trinity Sling welcomed Cody Cooper with CTC Contracting of Cecil Lake, British Columbia, Canada for comprehensive training on Gangline™ temporary pipe restraint system installation.  Training consisted of a classroom tutorial and a hands-on training session simulating a field installation.  The training was custom-tailored to CTC’s area of well testing using 2” 602 flow iron with kelly hoses incorporated in the pipe string. Gangline™ restraints were used to create a 602 pipe restraint system with hose hobbles utilized for added protection on the kelly hoses.

CTC’s recent hands-on expert Gangline™ instruction is just one example of the tailored training available with purchase or rental of a Gangline™ system of pipeline restraint from Trinity Sling. Even during times when wells are not operating at capacity, companies conducting well testing, like Cody’s, benefit from the customized service that Trinity provides, whether at the Arlington, Texas-based headquarters or on the frac pad/in the oilfield.

Trinity’s training is quick and thorough, illustrating exactly how to rig up and rig down the pipe restraints, from 200’ of regular duty 2” 1502 pipe for flow lines in the oilfield to 2000’ (and up) of heavy duty 1502 frac iron for frac line use. Trinity custom-builds solutions to customer specifications. Need a system of 1502 pipe restraints? Trinity has it. Need to secure your flowback iron? Give Trinity a call.

A pipe restraint system for temporary pipelines is not just a good idea, but recommended by OSHA, as well.  Employee safety around the frac lines and flow lines of a temporary pipeline, though always important, is now drawing a more careful look from OSHA. OSHA’s recommendation, detailed in “Hydraulic Fracturing and Flowback Hazards Other than Respirable Silica” describes potential dangers to employees on the frac pad or well site, including employer responsibility to protect them:


The Gangline™ satisfies OSHA’s requirements, and Gangline™ is engineered, tested, and created specifically for temporary pipeline restraint in fracing or oilfield use.  Any time fracing or oilfield operators need restraints for temporary pipelines of all sizes, types and lengths, the Gangline™ pipe restraint system can protect employees against pipeline whipping in the event of a pipeline rupture.

No oilfield operator or fracing operation wants to face a line rupture or equipment failure, but loss of life or debilitating injury incurred in the process tragically compounds the problem and results in loss of people, property, and profits. A smart operator protects all three with the engineered Gangline™ temporary pipeline restraint system. Fracing jobs and flowback operations currently at lower production levels are perfectly situated to train their people on or use our team to install Gangline™, taking those precautions before demand increases and a rupture could occur.

The Gangline™ restrains coil tubing and all other types of temporary pipelines for pressurized iron, both on the frac pad and in the oilfield. To learn more about the Gangline™ temporary pipe restraint system, call Trinity at (855) 471-5482 or

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For more information about the OSHA best practices publication from which the information referenced above is excerpted, visit