U.S. Oil Primed for Comeback following Brexit Market Reaction. U.S. oilfield and hydraulic fracturing activity has been down, as all market participants are well aware, for some time, but a recent UPI article notes that things may be looking up. The article notes that the Brexit vote on June 23, which determined that Britain will leave the EU, “erase[d] two straight days of heavy losses in crude oil prices”. The article continued to note that investors are seeking secure places to invest after the UK’s credit rating fell.
Such gains, although not necessarily permanent, are great news nonetheless for oilfield and hydraulic fracturing operators in the U.S. Oilfield downtime is the perfect opportunity to take stock of safety measures on the pad, and to protect pipelines company-wide so that when oil or gas production ramps up, oilfield and fracing operators are ready. The patented Gangline™ system is a reliable, easy, professionally-engineered restraint system to ensure pipelines are secure in the event of a pipeline failure.
With Gangline™, oilfield operators will be ready when the market gains referenced below are steady and considerable.
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